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9 Years

I would like to take this opportunity to share my gratitude to all the wonderful support over the past 9 years from the people behind the scenes, to you for coming and experiencing treatments at homeSPA.

Hayley from HMPhotography not only takes all the professional images but also maintains the website, creates newsletters/blogs, and more.

Loving the work I do only increases as the years go by as I get to know my clients even more, meet new clients and grow in experience.

Last year I set some exciting goals which I am proud to say that are now part of the business.

In light of the current global pandemic I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well. I know we will get through this and I believe that we will learn from this. As we are all settling into a temporary new way of work, I have been giving a lot of thought to how to effectively support you and your skincare. Such a large part of receiving a treatment is the personal touch but in this interim I thought what better time to get your skin regimes strong, using fewer products, with active ingredients.

At the beginning of the year one of the goals, from feedback and personal growth, was to introduce a new arm to homeSPA as a Virtual Skin Professional. Now seems the perfect time to launch the service.


VIRTUAL SKIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE- this is a complimentary consultation via Facetime/video call or where this is not possible, over the phone.

To book simply get in touch and arrange a time

(I am currently available from 6:30pm mon-fri and all weekend)

Once your appointment is booked you will receive a digital consultation form to complete and send back prior to our appointment.

Whether you have started on a new skincare journey recently and would like to know how to step this up whilst not having your facials, or would like help on a beauty detox, advice on starting a new programme or perhaps you have others in your home who would be interested, this service is open for everyone.

All orders placed from a consultation can be delivered directly to your door.

Thank you again for your support and I look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Best wishes, stay safe, Catherine x



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