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Chapter 1

What we all already know

February is a beautiful month and has always been a favourite of mine, not only because of all the snowdrops but also my birthday month. Winter is coming to an end and new life is beginning to appear.

Whether you choose to join in or not there is no escaping from the month we have had, a month of ‘new’ everywhere, new goals, new lifestyle, new outlook. I think there can be a lot of pressure in January to make lots of changes. As the years pass I am surprised by how many people respond to the question of resolutions with “…I don’t bother with them because I know I won’t see them through” . Ok, so let’s rephrase the question to switch up the defeatist mindset… “what intentions are you setting for yourself as we move into the next month”

Show up for yourself and get to know the real you, perhaps the version of you that has been simply existing and live your life to the full. I feel so passionate about this and that it is never too late, in the same way that it is never to start a new skincare journey. I have opened up some additional appointments for you all this month. I am here to help you implement any changes you would like in your self-love practices. I have appointments in the evenings Mon-Thursday at 7:30pm. This time can be for you to come and have a facial, a massage, a consultation, or a FaceTime consultation to go through your self care. I thought I would share a few of my practices.

1. Daily journaling

The notion of writing down thoughts, gratitude and feelings are so beneficial. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, some may write a note on their phone, others may send themselves an email, use a diary or a note pad. I personally like to reduce my screen time where possible and find guided journals helpful.

2. Being kind to my body

What you feed your body has a huge impact on your health and wellbeing. We all know that when we eat lots of sugar and processed foods not only does it show on our skin but also in our mood. Of course, we all have ‘those days’ and allow yourself to have them from time to time. I make sure that daily I take my oral supplements from Advanced Nutrition Programme. For everyone who thinks they will forget to take them all I would say is that my 5-year-old takes his every morning without being reminded. Start today and it will soon become a habit.

3. Fresh air

Life before children when my working hours were day-night-day-night (from home), I would regularly go for 3 days without leaving the house! Now I take every opportunity to be outside and there is nothing quite like being in the fresh outdoors.

4. Meditation

I have downloaded some guided meditations which help me to focus. They are 5-10 minutes and I often put it on just before bed. I rarely allocate set time but still manage to listen to one every day.

5. Treat myself

As you may well know by now I am a big advocate for Environ skincare, however I have another passion, Temple Spa. There is a time and place for both, each offering very different benefits. With my Temple Spa the aromas evoke so many beautiful and relaxing feelings.

This year I am treating myself to a Valentines gift of my favourite collection from Temple Spa as a commitment to a journey of working on my relationship with myself, the most important one to work on. They have created a beautiful sleeve to go on their Do Not Disturb Collection £46. A 6-piece spa gift of aromatherapy essentials to relax, calm, restore and rejuvenate. Each product is a mélange of calming aromas, cashmere textures and botanicals borrowed from the Mediterranean garden that together help you relax, restore and repose.

Apply the products step by step for instant relaxation.

Step 1. Prepare yourself a comforting drink of herbal tea, light a candle and draw yourself a warm bath. Scent the DO NOT DISTURB pillow with QUIETUDE, slip over the door handle and you are ready to begin.

Step 2. Spritz QUIETUDE in the air and on your fluffiest towel. The ambiance of spa in a bottle with a wonderfully soothing fragrance. Stand tall with your arms down by your sides. Take in a deep breath through your nose for about 3 seconds, filling up your chest and stomach with air. Hold it for 3 seconds before slowly releasing the breath through your mouth for another 3 seconds. Feel the tension escaping your body. Repeat three times.

Step 3. Pour a capful of DRIFT AWAY under the running water and watch it gloriously transform into a milky soft bath. Alternatively, pour ¼ cup of EASY DOES IT bath salts under the running water. These mineral rich salts with arnica, ginseng and white willow will turn your bathroom into your own personal steam room to help ease sore muscles and clear the mind. Sink into the water and float.

Step 4. After 20 minutes you will feel gloriously peaceful and calm. Step out of the bath and pat yourself dry with your towel. Massage lashings of DUVET onto your feet, legs, arms and torso. This luxurious, hydrating, comforting body cream will leave skin feeling smooth, toned and deliciously fragranced. Or, massage with DRIFT AWAY with long deep strokes towards the heart. The most luxurious aromatherapy oil ever – a must-have treatment to wind down, rich in relaxing essential oils.

Step 5. How amazing do you feel? Time now to complete your relaxation ritual with REPOSE. Take a pea-sized amount into your hand and rub your palms together. Take your hands to your face and breathe in the gorgeous aroma before massaging your face and neck. Beautiful!

A nourishing deep facial cleanser that thoroughly cleanses and gently exfoliates leaving a clean, dewy complexion.

IN THE BEGINNING is one of those ‘desert island products’ you can’t live without! A concentrated balm that gives that ‘just had a facial’ feeling every time. Its unique buttery-crystalline texture melts as you massage, delivering rich vitamin E straight to your skin. Formulated with Mediterranean ingredients of olive, calendula, basil, clary and lavender to ensure a nutritious, intense cleanse, leaving skin feeling dewy and glowing with health and vitality. The result… deeply cleansed & brightened skin!

Temple Spa are also running an offer with their beautiful cleansing melt, In the Beginning, 2 for £42. That’s your cleansing sorted for the next few months! For Temple Spa orders throughout February if you order £140+ you will receive a beautiful Taste of Temple Spa collection.

I look forward to seeing you this month as you begin or work on your self-love journey.

With my love

Catherine x


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