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Home Pedicare

I would like to start by saying how much I miss seeing you all. It is such a strange time that we find ourselves in, but I really hope that you are managing to stay well both physically and mentally. I have spoken to some who are really struggling with their anxiety and mental health.

Personally, something that I have been practising for a while now is daily gratitude. I use The Five Minute Journal and start every day with my son, Thomas, writing 3 things we are grateful for. It only takes a few minutes and it is such a positive way to start the day.

Many clients have shared that they have been using this time to declutter, spring clean and do lots of gardening. Making the most out of your home and space is so important, especially now. A recent change I have made is using Temple Spa’s room aroma spray Quietude in the bedrooms and it has made a noticeable difference at bedtime.

Every 10-14 days I have been processing product orders and have been busy on working on something to bring the treatment to your home. This time of year, many start treating their feet so I have created a collection of products to help with your home pedicure.

Introducing homePEDICARE £50

Your homecare collection which comes in a pedicure liner includes foot soak, scrub, and cuticle oil for 3 treatments along with a nail file, Footlogix foot file and a full size Footlogix DD cream mousse for daily hydration for your feet.

To order please get in touch and we can arrange either a safe delivery or collection.

I am missing doing treatments however I am using my evenings to work and increase my knowledge so that I am ready for when we can meet again.

Stay Safe, Catherine x



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