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Silver Linings

As we all begin to settle back into a new normal let’s hope that we can take forward the things we have learnt and appreciated during this time.

So many people have been saying to “write off 2020” however there are many of us who feel the opposite. So far it has been a year of reflection and growth. These unprecedented times that we have been living through have been challenging for us all in very different ways. I hope amongst all that has been going on in the world and the pain suffered by many that you are able to look deeper and find your own silver lining.

My work has always been so important to who I am and I have really missed seeing you during this time. I have been busy furthering my knowledge through reading and online training. The silver lining for me however has been the time with Thomas, making memories in the garden and teaching him new skills; so many things there ‘wouldn’t have been time for’. This is certainly something I am going to take moving forward – to prioritise how time is spent. Life is precious and we are so busy at living at speed do we really experience and enjoy? If you feel happy to share I would love to hear your silver linings from this experience?

I hope that the next email you receive from me is to give you a date where I will be opening my doors again. In the meantime I am here if you would like to talk or perhaps have a complimentary skin or supplement consultation.

Hope to see you very soon, in the meantime stay safe,

Catherine x



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