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To My Wonderful Clients

To my wonderful clients,

It is with great sadness that I will be temporarily cancelling face to face treatments at homeSPA due to the ever escalating COVID-19.

This really has not been an easy decision, but I believe it is the most socially responsible action to protect all my clients. I trust all my clients would not visit and follow the guidelines if they had any symptoms but we do not know if we are carriers without symptoms and I want to protect you all. I pray that I will be writing to you very all soon welcoming you back.

I will be keeping the shelves stocked and am able to send, or you are able to collect products. I will be working in the evenings from 6:30pm as I have my son at home during the day. If you have any skincare questions, would like to have a facetime/call consultation or simply a supportive chat I will be on the other end of the phone/email.

I will be updating the hS Blog on the website and will be posting regularly on Instagram – @homespasurrey

I would like to thank you for your understanding in these unprecedented times. I will be in touch personally for those who have treatments booked.

Look after yourself and your loved ones and stay safe, Catherine x



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